10 events found.
M.S. Band – Spring Concert
5:30 pm report time (students to the band room; parents can find a seat in the atrium)6:00 pm Concert start time (estimated ending 6:40)Dress: All-black shirt/pants/optional skirt/dress; ties for the gentlemen; no need to get special shoes - have students wear their best pair of shoesThis will also be our awards night. Students who earned […]
Boys Flag Football Practice #7
Ford Frick Park, 8025 N Union Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80920, USACross Country Practice #10/12
Ford Frick Park, 8025 N Union Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80920, USABoard Gamerz Club-Session 1
New Summit Charter Academy, 7899 Lexington Dr, Colorado Springs, CO 80920, USA(4th-8th Grade Students)