Carline Zones
West Lower Lot
First Grade
Second Grade
Upper North Lot
Xfinity Lot
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Middle School

Students may ride bicycles to school, as long as they are proficient enough to be safe. Students must walk the bike once on school grounds and must be parked in the racks provided. Bikes are not to be in the building or the parking lot at any time during schools hours. Once the bikes are in the bike racks they are not to be removed until the student is ready to go home. Each student is responsible for locking his/ her own bike. For safety and liability reasons, in-line/roller skates, shoe skates, and skateboards are not allowed on campus at any time, including when school is not in session.
Parents can walk their child up to the door that is set for their grade. If your child is walking by themselves, they may go in any door closest for them to access. For pickup, student walkers will be released at 3:05 pm and they will go outside to meet their parent or walk home. Parents should pick up their students up at their designated pick up zone. Please email your child’s teacher to let them know your child is a walker.
For those who are walking, we only have one main crosswalk. If you are coming from the park, you need to go down Meadow Ridge, cross at the crosswalk and then come back up Meadow Ridge on the other side. If you live on the West side of Lexington, please DO NOT try to cross Lexington on your own. Instead, walk down Lexington to the light at Union, and cross over through the crosswalk there. We understand that this means more walking for yourselves in your children, but we want our families to be as safe as possible and for right now, this is the safest way for walkers to get home.
School Closures and Delays for Inclement Weather
Cancellations/Snow Days or Delays:
Because of our broad geographical student base, NSCA school delays or school cancellations, due to bad weather, will be determined by Academy School District 20. NSCA will close in conjunction with D-20. In all cases of bad weather, parents should exercise their own judgment whether to have their child in school. In cases of delays due to bad weather, all tardies and absences will be excused.
Academy School District 20’s School Closure/Delay Policy:
When bad weather conditions occur, either a school closure or a delayed schedule may be announced. Local radio and television stations will be advised no later than 5:15 a.m. Information will also be available on the D-20 website and the school website.