

Students may arrive at 7:40 AM (no earlier) to get breakfast.  Breakfast ends promptly at 8 AM and may not be taken to the student’s classroom; please plan accordingly.

A staff member will be outside the cafeteria to make sure students get their breakfast and go straight to class after finishing.  All students must be in their classroom by 8:05 AM.

Hot Lunch

Kindergarten 10:30-10:50 AM
1st Grade 10:50-11:10 AM
2nd Grade 11:10-11:30 AM
3rd Grade 11:30-11:50 AM
4th Grade 11:50-12:10 PM
5th Grade 12:10-12:30 PM
Middle School (6th-8th) 12:35-12:55 PM

What's Included?

Sodexo delivers healthy and delicious school meals based on the USDA’s nutrition guidelines so that students are engaged and ready to learn in school. All meals include a variety of fresh fruit and vegetable choices and a variety of chilled non-fat or low-fat milk. To see a list of ingredients, nutrients, and allergens, download the So Happy App.


Academy District 20 (ASD20) is participating in the Healthy School Meals for All program. Approved by Colorado voters, this program enables school districts to offer free meals to all students.

Sodexo manages our nutrition and food services and provides students with a variety of fresh, nutritious breakfasts, lunches and snacks. They follow USDA guidelines for providing healthy and nutritious meals and also source Colorado-grown produce.

All students will receive one meal per breakfast and lunch period. Additional entrées and beverages are available for purchase.

• Adult Breakfast, $2.35

• Adult Lunch, $4.65

• Milk and Juice, $0.75

Load Money to your Students Account: Students must already have money in their Infinite Campus account, OR they may bring in cash or check to pay for breakfast or lunch that day. If there is no money on the student’s account, or if funds are not brought in, they will not be given breakfast and lunch accounts will go into a negative balance.  This does not include students on the Free and Reduced Meal Program.  For help adding funds to your student’s food account, click here.