Gifted and Talented

Currently, our school goes by Academy District 20’s Gifted and Talented Program. District 20 uses a multi-criteria approach to the identification of Gifted and Talented students. This includes achievement assessment, ability assessments, parent and teacher recommendations, and observation of students. Students who score in the top three percent of the population in ability and the top five percent of the population in achievement are generally in need of advanced academic services.

New Summit Charter Academy uses nationally accepted criteria for identifying talented and gifted students. This includes using a body of evidence for identification:

  • Achievement assessments
  • Ability testing
  • Student products
  • Parent recommendations
  • Teacher recommendations
  • Classroom observation of students

Gifted & Talented Education in District 20 and at New Summit Charter Academy

Gifted and Talented Education is based upon the individual needs and characteristics of the gifted student.

  • There is a wide range of gifts and talents within the gifted population.
  • Special sub-populations, i.e. twice exceptional and highly gifted, have unique curricular needs.
  • Students with exceptional talents in the visual and performing arts will have the opportunities to use their talents in programs provided by individual programs in the school upon availability.
  • The key to teaching the gifted student is to focus on the student’s individual needs. This may require the use of a variety of approaches.

There is no single program which meets the needs of all gifted students.

Program services in District 20 and NSCA range from full participation in the regular classroom to partial pull-out programs when available.

Specific program options might include but are not limited to:

Differentiation within class through our schools Skill-level Grouping Small group pull out
The classroom teacher and TAG specialist co-teaching Mentorships
TAG Enrichment Classes after school with Club Opportunities Independent Studies
Enrichment/Acceleration of the Regular Classroom Curriculum Seminars
Honors/Advanced Placement and TAG classes. Using Supplemental Materials
Single subject or multiple subject acceleration