Kim McClelland
Kim McClelland
Executive Director
About Me

Kim McClelland is a native of Colorado Springs and graduated from the University of Northern Colorado with a Bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences, including an emphasis in Elementary Education. Kim holds a Master's in Education, Leadership, and Administration from Jones International University. She has worked as a teacher or principal in all levels of education, from Pre-K through high school, throughout her career in education, with over 20 years of experience in education.

Mrs. McClelland was the Executive Director of the Colorado Digital BOCES in Colorado and founded the organization in 2013.  Formerly, she served for four years as the Zone Superintendent of the iConnect Zone in Falcon District 49 in Colorado Springs, Colorado. She has created and led innovative Colorado state programs that reach out to high-quality school programs, from Charter schools, homeschool programs, alternative education programs, credit recovery, summer school, and thriving online and blended learning schools. Mrs. McClelland has been a part of creating an opportunity for every student and parent in Colorado to have access to quality education options.

While serving as the iConnect Zone’s superintendent in District 49, McClelland earned a national award for innovation and transformation in education and has been a speaker for the District Administration Leadership Institute, EdWeek, Colorado Blended, and Online Learning conference, and other districts throughout the country. She has served on a statewide committee to support authorizers for the Colorado League of Charter Schools and NACSA and served on state-level legislative commissions for online and blended learning. Kim McClelland is a strong proponent of school choice, recognizing the enormous benefits and providing options for all families and students while preparing students for a successful post-secondary pathway.

Kim’s passion for education and school choice has led her to return to a school role as an Executive Director of a charter school in Colorado Springs at New Summit Charter Academy, where she currently serves in her seventh year. In addition to her duties as the Executive Director, she is a Leadership Strategist for Capturing Kids Hearts, bringing her all over the country to train school leaders and all school-level staff in creating productive relationships with every student and member of their school community.