At New Summit Charter Academy, we are building a positive school culture through character education and Capturing Kids’ Hearts by The Flippen Group to be an immersive, participatory experience. Teachers, staff, and administrators learn and practice skills they use and model in their classrooms that build meaningful, productive relationships with every student and every school community member.
Character Education Core Principles
New Summit Charter Academy focuses on its core principles as a part of our character education program. Which includes:
- Respect: Treat others as you want to be treated.
- Achievement: Striving to accomplish your goals with excitement while elevating your standards.
- Resilience: The ability to overcome adversity and life’s obstacles through confidence, courage, and coping skills with the development of patience, perseverance, and potential.
- Teamwork: Help others; when one succeeds we all succeed.
- Integrity: Doing the right thing even when no one is looking while taking responsibility for our choices and actions.
How We Use Capturing Kids’ Hearts

The social contract is the centerpiece of our school as well as each classroom. It is built on four basic questions:
- How do you want to be treated by me (leader)?
- How do you want to be treated by each other
- How do you think I (leader) want to be treated by you?
- How do you want to treat each other when there is conflict?

- Handshakes as students walk into class give everyone a positive start to the day.
- It lets teachers and students check-in with each other.
- It teaches students how to give a professional greeting.

- What Are You Doing?
- What Are You Supposed To Be Doing?
- Are You Doing It?
- What Are Your Going To Do About It?

When kids and teachers are connected, there is a significant positive transformational effect on the 5 key indicators of school performance:
- Decreased Discipline Referrals
- Increased Student Achievement
- Increased Attendance Rates
- Increased Graduation Rates
- Increased Teacher Satisfaction
Middle School - Character and Leadership
Character and Leadership is a course that all our Middle Schoolers must take. It is from The Flippen Group which is the same group that we get our curriculum, Capturing Kids’ Hearts from.
This course helps to develop critical, life-changing skills for Middle School students including taking personal responsibility, expressing themselves well, resolving conflict, and making good decisions when problems arise.
Curriculum Topics: